Event Planning and Promotion

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I worked as a co-chairmen of the special event planning and promotion committee  (logistics team) for the 72nd Association of Western Forestry Club's Conclave (AWFC) hosted by Cal Poly. Nearly 250 competitors traveled from forestry colleges west of the Mississippi River to compete on our freshly built, on-campus competition site.

It is amazing how rewarding and successful planning the logistics of this event was. AWFC was a success because of the leadership, dedication and enthusiasm of the faculty, students, community, competitors and logging sports community.

The team used a public relations plan I developed with another student in a journalism class to promote the event on campus and the San Luis Obispo community with print, radio, news broadcast and Facebook.

The logistics team's duties aside from promotion for this event included banquet planning: location, band, and caterer booking, in addition to decoration. We developed a website for registration, the registration documents, event schedule and budget.  The co-planner, Camille, and I communicated with competitors, volunteers and sponsors as well as planned lunches, tours, transportation and hotel accommodations for our guests.

This event required the Cal Poly Logging team to work as a club, and an association. We are thankful for the willingness to help and good nature of the other schools and competitors that helped make this event a possibility. 

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